Alright so I attended this amazing seminar this morning and I wanted to share it with all of you! What really caught my attention and prompted me to go to this class was that it was created by the same company that makes the essential oils I use in my everyday beauty routine, and since I have been so happy with them I was ecstatic to hear that they had come out with a chemical and paraben free skincare line for anti-aging. Now I'm going to stop right there for a second before I loose half of you readers by having used the term anti-aging in describing this product:
(Insert Mini Rant Here)
Many believe that anti-aging products aren't something to be used until your closer to your 30's, which makes absolutely NO sense! It's called 'anti' aging for a REASON, because if fights to prevent the process of aging that slowly starts to creep up on all of us around mid-20's; now why on earth would you start using products created to PREVENT aging AFTER your skin has already started down the slippery slope that is the deterioration of firmness and appearance of wrinkles and sagging that comes with age? That's like trying to catch the train after its left the station...good luck. No we are of this opinion that anti-aging products are only for more mature women because that is the age bracket these companies target most heavily when marketing, it's what we see in commercials or advertisements. However these are the women are the ones who are 'chasing the train,' and the ones these companies (along with those marketing Botox and plastic surgery) make a killing on every year.
They are also the companies who don't want people to catch on to the use of anti-aging at a younger age because it means that we as customers won't be willing to line their pockets in our 20's, 30's and 50's in our desperate and frantic attempts to regain our youthful glow.
The grandmother who spent £35,000 ($38,000) to transform her appearance:
(You can read here :
Preventative aging products should be used much earlier on than our 30's, I'm 21 going on 22 and I have been using anti-aging products that promote 'lift' and 'firmness', and especially products with Retinol (which is what celebrities slather all over themselves to look obtain that 'haven't aged a day in ten years' look, to be discussed later) since I was 17. So for those of you who were about to move on thinking this didn't apply to you, you might want to keep reading.
(End Rant)
Where were we, ah yes! This is the same company who makes the essential oils I use in my beauty treatments. I originally started using essential oils because I decided I wanted to go more natural with my skin; which is extremely sensitive to perfumes and dyes etc. all of which can be found in pretty much all brand name skincare products. They do it to make their products more appealing to the consumer, which I understand, but I wanted to simplify; not to mention when I started reading up on the ingredients in these products I thought to myself; "Do I really want that on my skin? Or being absorbed into my bloodstream for that matter?"
Absolutely not, so I found essential oils, but they weren't any old oils you find at your natural health food store which are so diluted by other impure oils that there's only about 3% of the actual oil you’re paying for in the bottle (The rest is like, olive oil) So the potency and effect of the oil is basically nil, zip, nada. The oils I use are 99% pure, which is as close as it get really. Now I will go more into detail about how I have been using these oils at another time but for now I would like to talk about this new amazing skin care line, Virage.
The line consists of a cleanser, toner, face serum and moisturizer, made wholly from essential oils and plant oils which are "50x more concentrated than the plant itself.".
Here is the run down:
Cleanser (White tube): Creamy and rich it contains Wild Orange, Melaluca (Tea Tree oil), Basil and Coconut oil.
Toner (Larger Blue bottle) : I am in LOVE with this! It's a firming spray on toner! I've never even heard of that! You can feel it begin to firm and simultaneously moisturize your face seconds after you mist it on. It contains Corriander, Cypress, Palmarosa and Witch Hazel.
Hydrating Serum (Green Bottle); Infused with gods of anti-aging oils it is also called Immortelle, a blend of oils that found in this high of a concentrated are extremely expensive and hard to get your hands on, which is why back in the day only Cleopatra could afford them: Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Helichryssum and Rose, with Lavender as an accent.
Moisturizer (Smaller Blue bottle): What I love about this is that it doesn't leave any residue sitting on your face and it's not super oily! I hate putting on cream only to have it flake off under my makeup making my skin look dry and cracked. This has Juniper Berry, Jasmin, Sea Buckthorn Berry and Geranium.
I signed up for the website which allowed me to purchase this product at a lower price. I thought buying each product individually would be less expensive but I learned there was a package deal where I will be able to purchase all four for the price of the Serum (Immortelle). Wow! I have been in the essential oil world for a while now and I know how much the oil in these can cost (a small bottle of Jasmine for example, this pure, costs $300+), so knowing the amounts of each of the oils found in this set I'm pretty shocked that the price is so low. The other thing I love about all this companies products is that they don't spoil and you only need a little bit for each use. (Retail: $112.67 for the whole set) Before you freak out, remember all the bottles and jars of half used chinsy product you threw away this year, or that the average cost of a facial is around $80 +. Speaking of facials, there was one more product I tried today that I wanted to talk about.
I know that you are supposed to exfoliate your every week or so to promote regeneration and stimulation of new skins cells, everyone knows that it's like the first thing in the 'Guide to Perfect Skin'. However as I mentioned before I have very sensitive skin, and because of that I do not exfoliate half as much as I'm supposed to. I know that, yes, most people break out after exfoliating a bit because you are essentially riding the skin of its toxins which takes time but I break out in a rash, not an acne rash, a RASH. It's horrible, and I have tried tons of different exfoliators, into the trash bin they went and you guessed it, they were more than half full.
Today I tried the Reveal Facial System, now I didn't try it on my face, I know that sounds weir but here's why. First of all, exfoliating is something best done at home, possibly in the shower. Second I had already used the Verage set on my face, (Note: never mix products when you're first starting to use them, give them 2-3 days in between otherwise, if you do have a problem with one of them you won't be able to tell which one it was and will end up throwing all of them in the trash for fear of a repeat reaction), I didn't want to wash it all off and cancel the trial run as I wanted to see how it would last throughout the day . (So far it's great!)
This I used on my hand, only one so I could tell the difference. It's an interesting system, also made with essential oils, not like one used before. There are two steps to the process, the first is like any other exfoliating regime, you wash your face and use the micro-granule scrub for about two minutes, messaging your face (always in an upward motion!) gently letting the exfoliator do its work. So far so boring right? Then, WITHOUT RINSING off the exfoliating scrub you add step number two which is called the Peptide Activator right of top of it. This is where it gets really cool; the Peptide Activator dissolves the exfoliating scrub! Then you rinse both off with warm water and pat your face, or in this case hand, dry and Viola! It's like you've just had a chemical peel, you know, without the acid, redness and possibility of scorched flesh, not to mention the 'Ouch!' factor. My hand afterwards wasn't even red! And my hands break out in itchy hives just from using the wrong kind of hand soap so that's saying something. In fact, oddly enough my left hand, which was the one I used, was a shade lighter than my right, which is how it should be considering the left had al its dead skin polished off. So naturally I was bit excited about this product, though not near as much as I was about the Verage toner I'll admit.
There were several other products shown today, they have a hair care like, a vitamin line and a lotion line as well but these were the things that really stood out to me as 'Oh my gosh these actually work' However like a good scientist I will run a few more tests on them to make sure they really do work in the long run as I will be purchasing these two sets for a trial run next month. I will do a second part update to this post at that time and let you judge the changes. If in the meantime you would like to look into this yourself, here is the website I used. As I said if you wish to purchase a product to try some for yourself it might be less expensive to sign up as you the cost is much lower but if you decide you'd rather not you can also simply order straight from the site:
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